Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Home again

        We arrived home safely Saturday evening from Philmont and Jimmy and Jake Camp drove in from New Mexico with our gear on Sunday evening. The washing machines are churning away in a vain attempt to make our clothes clean again. All of my photos from the trip have been added to the online photo album along with captions. More photos are sure to be added later.

        My thanks to all of the parents and others who supported this trip. It would not have been possible without your help and perserverance. Special thanks to Jimmy Camp for hauling our gear across the country and back. Most importantly, my thanks to Brian Moore, who served as my co-advisor and hiked every step of our 85 miles across Philmont. Such dedication is admirable.

        I also want to thank the scouts who made this a great trip. Each one contributed greatly as part of the team. They worked hard and kept it fun. They should be proud of what they accomplished. I know I am proud of them. In future years, I hope they will return as participants, staff members, or advisors. Philmont embodies all of the great aspects and values of scouting. The best parts of Philmont are now a part of us.